
Crushing On: Make and Tell


Happy Tuesday, erry’body!

It’s high time for another blogcrush, as this one has had me positively swooning all summer and I’m just dying to share.

Crushing on Make and Tell blog - Feature and Interview on Jade and Fern

clay citrus magnets by Make and Tell

Make and Tell is the new DIY genius on the block, and if you haven’t seen this beautiful blog before, I just know you will love it.

Stephanie is the super stylish crafter behind the magic. Her blog is brimming with unique and simple projects, printables, her favorite supplies, and (my favorite!) tricks for basic crafting skills.

How to Ink a Stamp by Make and Tell

how to ink a stamp

Edible Gold Leaf Marshmallow Pops by Make and Tell

edible gold leaf marshmallow pops

DIY Printed Tote Bag by Make and Tell

printed tote bag with template

The truly remarkable thing about Make and Tell is that Stephanie only started blogging in April! Of this year! Her blog is so professional, sophisticated, and bountiful—and how about that gorgeous photography?! I never would have guessed it was such a newbie. Seriously, I’m seething with jealousy totally impressed.

And now for an exclusive, breaking interview with Stephanie herself:

What inspired you to start DIY-ing? Do you remember the first thing you made?

You know, I’ve been making things for so long, I have absolutely no idea! Crafting has always been a love of mine from way back when, long before blogs existed. You know all those teenage girls who are super cool and into fashion and party hard? Yeah, I wasn’t one of those. While they were out partying, I was watching Better Homes and Gardens, knitting and glass painting. I like to think I was a hipster before my time, but really I’ve just always been a bit of a nanna!

What’s your favorite tool or material?

In a past life, I was an avid paper-crafter and although I’m so excited by all the new toys I get to play with for Make and Tell, my staples are still paper-related. I’m most at home with my x-acto knife, paper punches and bone folder. Oh, and I love my A4-sized labels. There are so many ways you can use labels – they’re incredibly versatile!

What’s your best tip for getting out of a creative rut?

Getting away from my gadgets! I’m lucky to live in an area with loads of trees, near a beach and next to plenty of cafes. Going for a walk helps to clear my head and I’m bound to see something that inspires me. Often it’s something I wouldn’t usually think to look for either, like the pattern on someone’s scarf, the colours of the waves on the sand or the shape of a certain flower. You just never know when inspiration will strike!

Chocolate or vanilla?

Ooh, that’s a toughie. As much as I love chocolate, I’d have to say vanilla. Or am I allowed to say vanilla with chocolate sprinkles? 🙂


Thanks so much, Stephanie, for humoring my blogcrush—I’m so glad we connected! Keep the awesomeness coming, girl!

Friends, be sure to check out Stephanie’s fabulous blog and show her some love (as if you could resist…).

What new to you blogs have you been reading lately? Please share!

Author: Marlene @ Idle Hands Awake

Maker, baker, cat momma, total nerd, perpetually covered in glitter/sawdust/paint. Blogging DIY and design for modern creatives.

4 comments on “Crushing On: Make and Tell”

  1. Oh, I’m blushing! Thank you, thank you lovely – you’re the best. And ha, you never need to be jealous – I’m always coming here because I’m constantly inspired by your awesome projects and the way you write!

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