My Home

The Living Room


Internet, meet the Lavender Trim Living Room.

Otherwise known as the Gag Me With a Spoon Egads It’s So Lavender Living Room.

The Living Room || Jade and Fern

Don’t be fooled by the Lavender Trim’s clever disguise in these photos: it is not a soft dove grey-lavender. It is LAVENDER. Gross, fluffy 80s chiffon bridesmaids’ dress LAVENDER. And I hate it.

Who would paint trim LAVENDER? Who were these sacrilegious former tenants? It’s nothing against the color itself. It just has no business being on trim. Beautiful original ornate 1900s trim should be WOOD or WHITE.

Moving on.

There’s some other issues here. Beigey walls. Too many nail holes. The new AC unit which we hastily and sweatily installed during heat wave 3 (or was it 4? I’m losing track), and then lazily “insulated” with rags and foam the next day. The stuff that’s been displaced by the AC and hasn’t found a new home.

The Living Room || Jade and Fern

The Living Room || Jade and Fern

The Living Room || Jade and Fern

And the fireplace. So lavender. So fake-slatey. So surrounded by painted-over then badly uncovered tiles. So sad.

I’ve got great plans for her though. Involving tin ceiling tiles and an extra helping of awesomesauce. Plans which I may or may not get to since my project list grows exponentially with every Pinterest visit.

The Living Room || Jade and Fern

On the bright side, we have a charming bar cart!

So that’s the living room. It’s nice, and homey, but it’s got a long way to go before I would dare to say it emproudens me. (Alan’s friend just made that word up. I’m digging it).

What design woes do you all struggle with in your homes? Any good contenders for Apartment Therapy’s upcoming Style Cure?


DIY Industrial Pendant Light and Guest Post Excitement


You guys…I wrote a guest post! Am I a real blogger now? Ok, maybe not yet. But I feel like this is the equivalent of Pinocchio learning about right and wrong on his mission to become a real boy.

Daria of Kittenhood asked me to write a guest post for her lovely blog. I was super stoked so of course I said yes. (After doing a victory dance which looked something like this).

Here’s a little sneak-peek of the project: a DIY industrial pendant light that you can make yourself! Head over to Kittenhood for the tutorial with instructions and more pics.

DIY Industrial-Style Light Fixture || Jade and Fern

High-fives, anyone?

Thank you, Daria, for including me on your lovely blog! Readers, be sure to check out Kittenhood, “A fashion blog with a decent dose of cats.” You’ll find tons of great DIY projects, Daria’s amazing sense of style, beautiful photos, and guest bloggers from all over the world.


This project was featured on Craft Gossip!

My Home

The Bedroom


Readers, your agonizing wait is at an end: I am finally posting pictures of our apartment! I know, it’s super exciting, just take some deep breaths, I don’t want to cause anyone to swoon.

First up on the tour of the little Somerville haven I share with A. is the bedroom. Because it’s the room I’m least ashamed of. That makes me sound like I take my home too seriously, but I don’t mean ashamed as in slinking to the confessional with beads of sweat rolling down my face. Just, you know, a little embarrassed by. Not overly thrilled with. Whatever, it’s my (our) place, and if I were totally happy with it I wouldn’t have anything to do.

Anyways, this is it:

The Bedroom || Jade and Fern

The Bedroom || Jade and Fern

The Bedroom || Jade and Fern

The Bedroom || Jade and Fern

Wally the Cat || Jade and Fern

Wally insisted on being in the shoot so I included this highly flattering mid-bath portrait.

Interior photography is not my forte, but I think you get the idea. We live on the first floor of a 2-family house from around 1900. Not much updating has occurred so there’s lots of great molding, high ceilings, stuff like that. But then there’s also the downsides, like infuriatingly crumbly horsehair plaster walls, and an extreme lack of outlets (there is only ONE in the bedroom!).

The bedroom is definitely my favorite room, in spite of a few changes I’d like to make. I love the warm grey paint and the small size, it makes me feel like I’m sleeping in a cozy nest. But I want to replace some of the furnishings as a lot of them were inherited and aren’t really our style. Those brown curtains gross me out with their tentacle-like attached tie-backs and their brownness.

Style-wise something is a little off for me. I can’t quite tell what, but I do know that the bedroom does not look anything like the bedrooms on my Pinterest board. Maybe the problem is just that I’m comparing our space to ones that have been professionally styled by people with more money than me?

Also, you can probably tell that I’m a selfish decorator. This room does not look at all like my boyfriend shares it. In my defense, A. never really seems to care, but I am going to force him to have an opinion and start doing some amount of decorating to soothe my conscience. (Hopefully this decision won’t come back to haunt me in the form of a plaid overstuffed upholstered bed frame or something. Although that could be cool maybe?).

If you’re living with an S.O., how do you handle decorating your shared space? Do any of you have homes that really reflect both occupants?

More pics to come, I’ve just got to steel myself to show you the horror that is the rest of the apartment.


On Wasting Time


The Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time - Sapling Press

Quote by Bertrand Russell || Print by Sapling Press

Sometimes I need to feel better about all the time I spend on Pinterest or trying to beat Lego Lord of the Rings to 100%. Thank you, Bertrand Russell, you’ve done it.

How do you enjoy wasting time?

Here’s to a weekend that’s just as productive—-or not—as you want it to be!