
Lately: Summer Mayhem


Moody Blue Bedroom Makeover

When life throws you a curve ball…you jump out of the way because you’re terrible at catching things and have an uncontrollable flinch reaction that looks like a 1950s housewife pulling up her skirts to avoid a mouse in the kitchen.

Ok, I’m not actually running away from this curve ball, so much as into it. Unless you count MOVING OUT OF MY NEWLY MADE-OVER BLUE BEDROOM as running away.

That’s right, I’m moving. Again.

::insert all the regretful sobs here::

The story is this. When I moved at the beginning of January, there were almost no room choices to be had, as the Boston area is permanently married to a September 1 moving schedule. I was lucky to find any apartment that would take Jax, and even luckier that my roommates turned out to be so chill and compatible.

But, the rent is at the very tip-top of my budget, and it’s been a stretch for me to make ends meet the last few months. And, I found an absurdly amazing deal on a new place!

When life throws you an apartment with a patio and backyard, central AC, free in-unit laundry, and a brand new dishwasher…you jump up and down hysterically in front of the tenants waving your references in their face until they can’t ignore you and are forced to add you to the lease.

There’s two big downsides to this moving venture. Ok, three.


2) It’s extremely last-minute so I have two weeks to pack ugh.

3) It’s extremely last-minute so I have two weeks to pack and I’ve got several Curbly assignments in that time too, meaning I absolutely don’t have time to do anything with the blog.

I’m sorry, you guys. Usually I have a “DIY first” mentality, but in this case there are just not enough hours in the day.

But I maaaayyyyy be able to squeeze in a fun round-up I’ve been putting together for you. And, I’ve got a fabulous guest post coming up from the lovely and talented Marwa of Enthralling Gumption!

In the meantime, please wish me all the luck wrangling with the extended musical chair horror show that is moving on September 1st in Boston. (I literally have been unable to find any truck. Anywhere. They’re ALL booked). Oh and did I mention I’m moving from a 2nd floor walkup to a 3rd floor walkup?

::insert all the regretful sobs here::

I would love to hear how your summers are going! How have you been spending the longer days? Have you had some good restful days of nothing? Or beach days, or any trips? And most importantly, what have you been creating?? Let me know in the comments!

P.S. If you just can’t go without your Idle Hands Create fix (that’s so flattering!) you can always find me on Instagram and Pinterest.

Author: Marlene @ Idle Hands Awake

Maker, baker, cat momma, total nerd, perpetually covered in glitter/sawdust/paint. Blogging DIY and design for modern creatives.

8 comments on “Lately: Summer Mayhem”

  1. WHOA! But despite the rushed time frame… it sounds AMAZING!!! Patio! Backyard space!! New dishwasher!! Good rent!! It seems like all signs are pointing to yes. Wish I was closer and I could help pack/unpack. ps- I’ll miss your lovely blue wall and gorgeous copper knobs. πŸ˜‰

    1. It’s sooooooo amazing!! I’m really excited, even though I can’t believe I’m leaving my beautiful blue wall behind! I may recreate it in the new place, but being under the eaves on the third floor it may be a challenge. Thanks so much for being my cheerleader, girl, and for your offer to help! I assume you will be helping in spirit! πŸ˜‰ xx

    1. It is sheer perfection, I’m really excited to move into it! Hehe, and my old roommate is taking over my room and will reap the benefits of fresh paint and moody blue. I like to think I’m leaving my mark on various Somerville apartments. πŸ˜‰ xx

  2. I agree with a Lindsay, what a lucky tenant that gets to move into your remodeled bedroom! I know you will make your new space equally as gorgeous. Best of luck with the move and your new adventures in your new place!

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